Nile Leatham
Business Attorneys in Las Vegas - Commercial Lawyers in Las Vegas
* Tax and Tax Litigation
* Business Law
* Commercial Litigation
* Trusts and Estates
* Construction Law
* Privilege and Alcohol Licensing
* Labor and Employment Law
* Administrative Law
* Real Estate
* Banking
* Bankruptcy
Since its inception, Kolesar & Leatham has been a leader in the legal areas of real estate, corporate work, finance, employment, bankruptcy, commercial and real estate restructuring and work outs covering a sophisticated grouping of businesses and varied business related fields of endeavor. We also handle a substantial amount of commercial and construction litigation in the same highly competent, professional, value conscious and discrete manner which we bring to all of our engagements.
As to be expected from a local leader, the firm’s attorneys are fully conversant with all aspects of Nevada’s commercial and real estate environment and are routinely involved in large, complex business transactions and litigation matters. The firm also has a recognized special expertise in privilege licensing including alcoholic beverage issues.
In addition to locally based businesses, many clients utilizing the firm's services are from other states and countries and seek help in:
- Business Law
- Commercial Litigation
- Construction Law
- Alcohol Licensing
- Banking
- Bankruptcy
- Real Estate
- Administrative Law
- Labor and Employment Law
- Trusts and Estates
- Tax and Tax Litigation
Certified Business Bankruptcy Lawyer - American Board of Certification
Nile Leatham Esq
Kolesar & Leatham
3320 W Sahara Ave #380
Las Vegas NV 89102
Tel: 702 362-7800
Fax: 702 362-9472
