Thorndal, Armstrong, Delk, Balkenbush & Eisinger
* Construction Defect
* Defense of Insureds
* Workers' Compensation - The firm prides itself on the successful representation of clients in the very technical and demanding area of workers' compensation.
Thorndal, Armstrong, Delk, Balkenbush & Eisinger has the resources and experience to represent insurers and employers on all matters relating to workers' compensation claims and industrial insurance law throughout Nevada including: claims by injured employees for accidental injuries and occupational diseases; administrative bad faith claims; actions for retaliatory discharge; disputes between industrial insurers; claims for subsequent injury fund reimbursement; billing disputes between insurers and health care providers; administrative penalty assessments and criminal complaints arising from claims against uninsured employers; risk classification disputes; third-party claims, including medical malpractice, products liability and express indemnity claims; appellate matters arising from workers' compensation related litigation; representation on proposed statutory and regulatory legislation; and requests for legal opinions.
The firm's services to its clients include in-house continuing education on workers' compensation legislation, case law, and developments in employment law related to workers' compensation, including the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
The firm's lawyers have diverse talents and broad experience in all civil matters. In addition to experience litigating cases through trial and to the appellate level, the firm's attorneys have served as arbitrators or mediators in literally thousands of cases. These varied experiences enhance the firm's ability to understand the needs of its clients and represent their interests throughout Nevada in both state and federal court.
With a strong emphasis in civil defense litigation for insureds and self-insureds, including expertise in complex litigation, general business, commercial law, and industrial insurance defense, Thorndal, Armstrong, Delk, Balkenbush & Eisinger is committed to providing thorough, efficient and effective legal services to its clients. Our experienced attorneys, combined with a highly capable professional support staff, allow the firm to represent clients on a competitive, cost-efficient basis.
Thorndal, Armstrong, Delk, Balkenbush & Eisinger
1100 E Bridger Ave
PO Drawer 2070
Las Vegas NV 89125-2070
Tel: 702 366-0622
Fax: 702 366-0327
